The R'lyeh Report

Volume 4, Number 3
March 8th, 2000

"If it kills I will surround myself with four stone walls"
- Capercaillie, Secret People

Welcome to the March 2000 issue of the R'lyeh Report, featuring
all the latest Chaosium news and views.


It's a Dzyan!

Our newest book arrived in the warehouse on Fat Tuesday while luckier
folk were out drinking heavily and rioting over glittery plastic
beads. The Book of Dzyan began shipping to our game and book trade
distributors on March 7th. You should be able to find the Book of
Dzyan in retail stores by St. Patrick's day (March 17th).

The Book Of Dzyan
And Commentary from The Secret Doctrine
Together with Related Texts and a New Biographical Essay
[#6027, $13.95 ISBN 1-56882-114-X]

Madam Blavatsky's famous transcribed messages from beyond, the
mysterious Book of Dzyan, the heart of the sacred books of Kie-te,
are said once to have been known only to Tibetan mystics. Quotations
from Dzyan form the core of her closely-argued The Secret Doctrine,
the most influential single book of occult knowledge to emerge from
the nineteenth century.

This volume reproduces nearly all of the Book of Dzyan that Blavatsky
transcribed. It also includes long excerpts from her Secret
Doctrine as well as from the Society of Psychical Research's 1885
report concerning phenomena witnessed by members of the Theosophical
Society. There are notes and additional shorter materials. Editor
Maroney's biographical essay starts off the book, a fascinating
portrait of an amazing woman.

This book is the first in our Miskatonic University® Archives series.
It contains material of interest to players of Call of Cthulhu, H.P.
Lovecraft readers, and anyone interested in magical practices and

Chaosium and Leng Are Moving!

As I type this report, Chaosium Inc is preparing to move their
offices to a new location within the San Fransisco Bay Area. It looks
as though the the old Oakland Army Base will soon be occupied by
Cthulhu's minions. Sometime in the next month we'll have new contact
information to pass along. At present, I expect no interruptions in
R'lyeh reports, email service, web page updates etc.

The Leng Embassy (my office here in Austin TX) will also be moving in
the next month or so. My evil landlords are kicking us out so they
can repaint our apartment complex and raise the rent by $250.00 per
month. They will soon be visited by my crack team of Gug lawyers to
express my displeasure. If anyone out there has a cheap property in
Northwest Austin we can rent, please let me know!

Upcoming Shows & Appearances:  March & April

You can catch the Chaosium or Wizard's Attic dudes at the following
shows. Swing by and say howdy!

GAMA Trade Show
Email: Wendy(
Where: Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Dates: March 20, 2000 - March 23, 2000
Location: The Orleans Hotel and Casino
Description: National Trade Show
You can meet Chaosium dudes Charlie Krank and Dustin Wright.
Eric Rowe & Dustin Wright of The Wizard's Attic will be here too.

AggieCon 31
Email: (
Where: College Station, Texas USA
Dates: March 23-26, 2000
Location: Memorial Student Center on the Texas A&M campus
Description: Gaming, Science Fiction Convention.
The southwest's oldest and largest student-run Gaming Convention.
The Leng Embassy staff will be here! Sign up to run some games!


>Book Of Dzyan
6027    $13.95  ISBN 1-56882-114-X

**Upcoming Releases**


>CALL OF CTHULHU Keeper's Screen
#2387   $14.95 ISBN 1-56882-149-2

CALL OF CTHULHU KEEPERS (Keepers of Forbidden Lore) can now keep their
secrets in style. This new three panel Keeper's Screen is jam-packed
with vital GM information presented in any easy to use at a glance
format. The player's side of the screen features awesome Philippe Caza
artwork worthy of its own sanity check. This product includes a new
introductory scenario perfect for beginning investigators and keepers
alike, as well as three 4-page game aids (weapons table with an alien
weapons section, a new 4-page summary of rule book spells,
and some character sheet masters to jump-start your new Call of Cthulhu

Blasphemous Knowledge, Forbidden Secrets, and Handy Information for
Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying.
CHA 2388 $19.95    (1-56882-144-1) 128 pp.

The Call of Cthulhu Keeper's Companion is an invaluable resource for
GM's. New material includes advice for new keepers, a lengthy study
of Mythos artifacts, a learned discussion of many occult books, an
up-to-the-moment  description of every facet of forensic medicine, a
thorough revision and expansion of the game skills (including nearly
two dozen new ones), and the augmented text of the Keeper's Compendium,
somewhat updated--forbidden books, secret cults, alien races, and
mysterious places. Additional short essays and features round out
this book-more than 100,000 words! The best-selling Keeper's
Compendium appeared in 1993, but has been out of print for more than
two years.

>The Yellow Sign & Other Tales
6023  $19.95  ISBN 1-56882-126-3
by Robert W. Chambers

This massive collection brings together, for the first time ever and
with much of the material unprinted since the 1890's, the entire body
of Robert W. Chambers' weird fiction work. Chambers is considered a
landmark author in the horror field for his _King in Yellow_
collection, but that is just a small part of his weird fiction
output. The Yellow Sign & Other Stories brings together tales from
five different Chambers collections, and also includes the novel _In
Search of the Unknown_ and an excerpt from the novel _The Tracer of
Lost Persons_. These stories are also connected to the Cthulhu
mythos, for they introduce concepts such as Hali, Hastur, and
Carcosa. Selected and edited by S.T. Joshi.

Why Settle for the Lesser Evil?
#5115   $14.95  ISBN 1-56882-103-4

It's Campaign season again! Great Lord Cthulhu, high priest of the
Star Spawn and Master of R'lyeh, is once again joining the
presidential race to push forward his own agenda of world domination
under a new world order. This kit includes a mini-poster, bumper
sticker, Elder Party membership card, Cthulhu's complete platform,


>Unseen Masters
Modern COC adventures against hidden powers
2384, $19.95 ISBN 1-56882-120-4
by Bruce Ballon

Three mini-campaigns set in modern New York City lead
investigators through serial murder investigations, madness, and into
an ancient conflict between bitter rivals. Along the way
investigators will be aided by Mysterious allies, face [the] Cult of
the Sacred Light and the Black Brotherhood, and confront immortal
horrors beyond time and space. These three scenarios can be combined
to form a NY City campaign.

>The Three Impostors and Other Stories
The Best Weird Tales of Arthur Machen vol. 1
CHA 6030  $13.95  ISBN 1-56882-132-8  pp. 320

Some of the finest horror stories ever written. Arthur Machen had a
profound impact upon H.P. Lovecraft and the group of stories that
would later become known as the Cthulhu Mythos. This first volume of
Chaosium's Arthur Machen collection begins with the chilling "The
Three Impostors" in its complete form, including the rarely seen
sections "The Decorative Imagination" and "The Novel of the Iron
Maid." Rounding out the first volume are "The Great God Pan," "The
Inmost Light," and "The Shining Pyramid," all are excellent tales.
Introduction by S.T. Joshi.

That's the R'lyeh Report for this month folks.
As always, thanks for your support!

Dustin Wright- Chaosium Southwest "Leng Embassy"
Elder Party 2000 Exploratory Committee Chairman
Free Lance Monkey for the Wizard's attic

Over 80 titles in print  & Celebrating our 25th Anniversary
our Book of Dzyan (6024) is now at the Printer.
** Will trade games for Tarantulas, Trilobites, and beer. **

Dustin Wright- Chaosium Southwest "Leng Embassy"
Elder Party 2000 Exploratory Committee Chairman
Free Lance Monkey for the Wizard's attic

All Material is © Conrad Hubbard.
References to products created by White Wolf or other
companies are not challenges to their copyrights

Conrad Hubbard, Editor