The Answer

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I had begun to wonder if the Unconquered Sun had chosen not to answer my prayer. How could I be so weak in the face of Magnus's argument to the people of Irontooth? Why should we give up any of our members to the Fair Folk, mortal enemies of creation itself?

As we begun our propaganda campaign, I felt sick. There seemed to be no good way out of Whispering Crow's maddening schemes. Lord Antar even wanted to participate in my "rehabilitation/training camp" program. It was actually Ears who provided the answer to my prayer. All of our problems stemmed from Crow's bad deal. The Unconquered Sun had been telling me all along. If we break this deal, Crow suffers the wrath of heaven.

We will pass by Breakwater, but that is not the place for me to place my schemes. The Lord there does have powerful ships and skills, but he seems to lack the stomach to truly stay the course once the consequences of his actions become apparent.

The people of Spirak, however, seem far more reasonable when it comes to standing their ground. Even if it did almost cost us our lives, when the lord insulted me, we both backed up our words with force. If he is healed, I am sure he will take my plan more seriously.

When we land in Spirak I intend to alert the lord's court about Crow's plan. As truer Citizens of creation, they will truly balk at the notion that they should be feeding their own citizens to these monsters. Under my banner and with my leadership, I will say, we can drive the Fey out of their fair harbor. Once this menace are gone, it will be obvious that the soldiers of Spirak can take control of their lands from the eldrich magics of the Blue Turtle Navy, The Harbinger of Endless Night, and Five Kingdoms' Bandit. Once the Fey "embassy" floats to the capitol, we will set it alight. With the wrath of Heaven over his head, we shall have no more problems with Crow's bad bargains.

The light of the Sun truly does shine into the strangest of corners.