Shifting Significance Technique

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This is a Charm idea of mine, although it obviously needs polish and work (or deletion).

It seems to me that the race to scene-long perfect Charms is causing problems with the game, which is where I came up with this idea.

The fact is that perfect defenses SHOULD trump perfect attacks, but it should be possible to run a defender out of resources so she cannot continue to defend. Also, every perfect defense should still have some hole in it. Heavenly Guardian Defense does not protect against an attack that you cannot see coming. Of course such holes can be plugged by making a Combo with another Charm that covers the hole, but this jacks up the price by at least 1 Willpower point, which ensures that the threat of running out of resources remains omnipresent.

Anyway, this Charm idea comes from that concept.

Shifting Significance Technique reorders the importance of events within the Tapestry of Creation, without changing them in any manner. By doing so, it brings an immediate end to the current scene, and begins a new one. This doesn't actually change anything, except to enforce the end of scene rules mechanics. Charms and powers with a duration of scene-long would end, but the army hailing arrow down on the Solar would still be there attacking unabated.

I figure it costs 1 Willpower to use, plus some amount of Essence, but that is a cost that might be considered against however ridiculously cheap people insist upon rendering the scene long defenses of the game.

It would likely be an Occult or Lore Charm since the idea of perceiving the flow of significance of events in such a subtle manner seems like something that should be mystic and difficult to master.

Precipitous Phase Cessation

A related idea came up while discussing this idea with my friend Mario. A higher Essence, higher Ability requirement version of this Charm might actually bring an end to a story, without changing anything else of course. This would be expensive as it would deprive the Solar of any bonus Experience he would have received for the story, in addition to costing a lost of Willpower and Essence. This is a significant change that should almost certainly count as a Shaping effect and be able to be countered by things which counter those. Realistically, though, this effect might be too sweeping for anything short of an Essence 10 Charm, if it is even worth considering as more than a random musing. Also, this Charm might require each person affected to be targeted individually, otherwise their story continues.


< Exalted