Scar of Axe and Fire

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Scar of Axe and Fire was a forest walker whose domain rested on the borders of Linowa and Halta. During the invasion of Summer Conflagration, his domain was virtually destroyed. He petitioned Caltia, and had aided Haltan offensives against the Linowans ever since.

Scar of Axe and Fire attended the Haltan occupation forces allied with the Bull of the North during his invasion of Linowa in Realm Year 768. Due to his powerful spirit Charms and his undying hatred for Linowan Outcastes, he took residence in the fortress of Queen Arkasi in Rubylak, and was trusted with keeping her as a political prisoner in her own court.

In Descending Earth of 768, a small force of Realm Dragon-Blooded broke into the Rubylak court and rescued Queen Arkasi from her captors. During the battle, Scar of Axe and Fire's corporeal form was destroyed. It is unknown whether he has sufficient sanctum access to recover, though the Realm rescuers believe it is likely.

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