Final Nights

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I have quietly watched. I let myself fall from my circles fame. I am a shadow; I have reinvented my self countless times over. I have watched for signs of corruption. I search for the seeds of discourse in our government, our people, our soldiers, more closely then any other I watched my brothers and sisters. I found them to be just and caring rulers. For an age we ruled and were loved for it. All things come to an end I suppose.

It started, I remember the molement distinctly when I felt the change in the sky it was a girl a simple serving girl who was the one that marked it for me. We were at a teahouse and she was new struggling to keep her head on her shoulders and her rear unmolested both with no success. I can at least understand the latter. She was clearing a table and spilled her tray and fell on a circle mate. She inadvertently struck him a she fell. I saw in him something come unhinged. I watched as he stripped and flogged her in the street. Her simple mistake made her an outcaste, she was shunned and no one wanted to show heart to one who caused such ire in the Solars. I took her in she was grateful and she was gracious in showing it. She ended up living out in the south in a small village where I had set her up. I could not right all wrongs that started happening. I eventually had to kill my circle mate as things ended up getting worse. I hoped that his next incarnation would be better. I did this with no shame I felt it was right. I expected that if the truth was ever known I would have been dealt with but I promised to myself not to let injustice go unchecked or see the wronged get restitution. I was not a healer you see I would have given all my skill in killing for the skill in healing but I am tied into my fate and I can not break that. We sowed so much discord.