Don't you just hate it
when the day starts off right
and you get to bed
at 4 AM at night
and when your alarm clock
reminds you you're already late
and breakfast is something
you scraped from last night's plate
when you know that you are
in a hell of a hurry
but your clothing choices
are dirty and less dirty
and don't you just think
that it really sucks
when you pull into the gas station
with only two bucks
when you get to work tying your tie
and still getting dressed
and your boss looks at you
like you're under arrest
when you work on a sale
for an hour or two
and discover its an account
that doesn't belong to you
when lunchtime is slow coming
forever and a day
and you know you spent your 
last two bucks anyway
you get off work
deciding to head for a bar
and its one hundred and twenty
degrees in your car
and the waitress says they're
all out of your favorite drink
and the DJ's tunes
really do stink
so you order something
some house blend
and before you know it
its 4 AM again
and doesn't it bother you
just a little bit
to hear someone else bitching
about trivial shit.

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All Material is © Conrad Hubbard.