
You seem so scared so often
I wish I could take your fear from you
and keep it inside of me instead
the only fear I feel is that tomorrow
will be just as lonely as today
Your smile still rests in my thoughts
a pale pink reflection upon the blazing mirror of your soul
that shines upon your face
and my smile is a barbed hook caught
upon a dream of the two of us become one whole
that tears into my face
a torn ribbon of flesh bashed by a boxers glove
yeah, I am here love
just trying to write
I know i'm impatient but...
a poem on the spot,
no, neither of us should booze
but we do because it dulls the edge of the pain...
and doing a damn good job of it if I do say so.
Just being me.
yeah, you can save the conversations
though I very, very rarely remember
to do so no matter how cool they have been
you have drawn me from my dreams to remember that we are just talking
just dreaming across thousands of miles
that our hearts are both fearfully stalking
dreams that have long fallen by the way
I am sorry you are lonesome
I can do nothing about it realistically
because you seem never to feel the same
and so long as you do not
you will pine away for others
and I will pine away for others and you
and until the feelings are shared
well, you have been there and I have been there
it is loneliness
regardless, though, for it has its own beauty
derived from the history of loss, I suppose,
loneliness is a beast that travels in silent wilderness
across trackless wastes
and yet finds endless prey
never hungering
for endless prey stream across the path
hapless victims of the hunt
hapless, helpless
struggling in the jaws of seemingly endless pain
loneliness draws passion from lovers like liquid chalk
proclaiming an explosion of emotion
like peacock feathers rendered into paint
the heat
you flatter me, milady
though certainly you meant nothing I could have engendered
but normally.... normally, i suppose
I end up making them all one...
loneliness, love, heat, beauty, loss
I figure I make you uncomfortable discussing it sometimes
but that it is occasionally worth mentioning
just how much affection I retain for you...
anyway, I suppose i am making a fool of myself
so I shall let you go.

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All Material is © Conrad Hubbard.