FORAY Roleplaying Journal
A Review of White Wolf's
Revelations of a Dark Mother
written by Matthew Harper
html editing by Conrad Hubbard

The latest of White Wolf's "prop" books lives
up to the traditions established by The Book of Nod,
The Fragile Path, and The Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth.
Revelations tells the story of Lilith and her relationship
with Cain and his vampiric children, as well as revealing
some tantalizing information about the Bahari, a cult
containing both mortal and supernatural members that work
to shape the world for Lilith's supposed return in the Final
Nights, which White Wolf states repeatedly are coming soon.
Look for the Bahari to become more integral to the events
soon to come in the World of Darkness.

The Sabbat Guide contains the ethics and system for the path of
Lilith, but the story of why that path of enlightenment evolved can be
found in Revelations. The myth of Lilith is re-told from her own
perspective, and as usual WW did their research very nicely.
There are multiple parallels to the Lilith myths in such sources
as the Zohar and the Talmud. By such parallels WW once again
blurs the line between fantasy and reality a little more.
Also, the book gives some new information on the Lamia bloodline
from the Dark Ages game and some more disturbing Gehenna prophecies
to throw to your players.

Basically, if you're one of those troupes that likes to add some more
flavor to your game than that provided by basic sourcebooks, or
if you would rather have something to spark your imagination than
something to give you more rules to learn, check out Revelations of
the Dark Mother. It's fun to read, and it makes the World of Darkness
a more interesting place to think about. 

Written by Matthew Harper
html & editing by Conrad Hubbard
All Material is © Conrad Hubbard.
References to original creations of others
are not challenges to their copyrights

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