FORAY Roleplaying Journal

Greg Fountain--Director of Marketing--WWGS 
Press Release--For Immediate Release--2/18/99

White Wolf Announces Aberrant ÷ The Roleplaying Event of the Summer.

Baptized in quantum fires, reborn as incarnate gods,
drunk with fame, sacrificed on the altar of power.
We are your heroes, your legends, your icons.
Beware. Your legacy is our future.

This July, the Developer of the Revised Edition of Vampire: The 
Masquerade and Kindred of the East along with the line-developers of 
Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse combine their 
creative talent to bring you Aberrant ÷ White Wolf¹s Storytelling Game of 
super-powered beings in a real-world setting. 

According to Aberrant creator, Robert Hatch, "Aberrant is about what it 
means for a normal human being to have the power of a god. It¹s about 
what happens when people just like you and I are given the power to 
individually change the world, to hold the destiny of millions in their 
hands. Aberrant chronicles the first coming of the new humans, mankind¹s 
ultimate evolutionary destiny, and how they, for a time, created a new 
Age of Gods on earth. Like Icarus, the novas strove for the sun, but 
pride goeth before a fall, and hints of the nightmare to come resonate 
throughout the book."

The first novas ÷ or "aberrants" as their detractors label them ÷ emerged 
in 1998. Normal humans from every walk of life suddenly and spontaneously "erupted" into beings of unfathomable quantum power. Though very rare, 
each of these creatures holds the potential to drastically change the 
world. In fact, no nova can escape his own resonance. His mere existence 
creates a cult of personality that will change the lives of people across 
the planet. And when you have the ability level a city with your hands, 
the impact is all the greater.

Aberrant players begin their adventures in the near-future of 2008. Ten 
years of nova existence has created an eerily familiar, yet fundamentally 
altered, Earth. Upon their eruption as novas, new characters will have 
epic decisions to make about their morality. Not only could an aberrant 
rob the corner jewelry store with impunity, she could take over half of 
South Africa and control worldwide diamond production with no one to stop her.

No one except other novas, that is.

And therein lies the rub. Even an individual who can challenge a nation 
is still an individual. Will you unite with others like you, or do you 
think you can take on the world alone? Every aberrant has it within 
himself to enhance his powers beyond even those of his compatriots. But 
that power comes at a price. Delving too far into his quantum potential 
can poison a nova with his own energy. Never has the axiom been more 
true: Power corrupts. A nova who digs deeply approaches absolute power but absolute madness is not far behind.

Aberrant uses a revised version of the Storyteller game mechanic which 
has been enhanced to include Mega-Attributes to reflect the unbelievable 
power (physical and otherwise) that a nova can bring to bear. The 
Storyteller systems of successes and botches are streamlined as well.

What would you do with the power to fly?
To walk across the sun?
To move islands?
To shape the course of history?
What will you do when you are an aberrant?

How will you change the world?

Aberrant is available in July 1999 in a $24.95 unlimited edition and 
$29.95 hardcover limited edition. Both printings contain full color 
setting sections with illustrations by top comic artists.

White Wolf and World of Darkness are registered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Aberrant is a trademark of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. 
All rights reserved.

All Material is © Conrad Hubbard.
References to original creations of others
are not challenges to their copyrights

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