FORAY Roleplaying Journal
An Introduction to
A Call of Cthulhu adventure set in Viet Nam

Tickets for a Prayer Wheel is a chronicle designed for the Call of Cthulhu game by Chaosium and set in Viet Nam during the war.  It was run as the Origins Call of Cthulhu event in Baltimore in 1991, and its preservation owes much to many people.  Tickets was written by James Comer with supporting material by Lee Watts.  Andy Garrabrant deserves credit for keeping the files all these years.  And thanks go to Monte, Tom, Pat, Joel and Wayne. Thanks also to Conrad Hubbard for editing Tickets into an online format.  Foray will be publishing the entire adventure split between separate issues, in a way helping keep the original feel.  Jim has also requested the opportunity to add additional commentary in the future, and we will of course be happy to print that as well.

North Vietnam FlagAmerican FlagSouth Vietnam Flag

As the Tickets production consists of many parts, this Introduction will contain a list of all of the Chapters. As each Chapter is put online, the Introduction will be linked to those chapters, regardless of which issue of Foray they enter.  Hopefully, this will make the whole chronicle more readily accessible and useable to all concerned.


Openings What is this all about?
First Ticket First Encounters
Second Ticket Patrolling the Earth
Third Ticket The Cao-Dai Pagoda
Fourth Ticket Research
Fifth Ticket Idylls in West Vietnam
Sixth Ticket Sauce from the Sage
Seventh Ticket Archaeology by the Sea
Eighth Ticket To the Mountain in Laos
Ninth Ticket The Prehistoric Monastery
Endgames Tying Up Loose Ends

Schwärmer's Hawkmoth

Foray also has an interview with James Comer, creator of the Mokole and the Bata'a for the World of Darkness in our August 98  issue. His new full length Mokole changing breed book came out late October '99. You can order it through White Wolf's online catalog.

All material is © Conrad Hubbard.
Tickets for a Prayer Wheel is written by and © James Comer.
References to products created by Chaosium or other
companies are not challenges to their copyrights

Conrad Hubbard, Editor
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